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Behind her eyes: the truth about dating a gray-eyed girl

The ancients believed: through the color of our eyes, it’s possible to comprehend who we are dealing with. Modern people, on the contrary, by their opinion thereon - might be divided into two categories. The first one is accustomed to the idea - facial features of each person are nothing else but the demonstration of specific genetic attributes (not something that has an impact on the character). The other one - believes in physiognomy and its teachings. These guys think it’s possible to truly understand your interlocutor just by looking into his eyes. But what about love matters? May such knowledge be helpful when choosing a potential wife? Experts say, without any doubt - yes.
Since it is rather a broad subject, today, we want to focus on a small part of it: namely on one color. So the main characters of this article are beautiful women with gray eyes. Here and now, you will find out everything about these ladies: from personal qualities to nuances of building relationships with them. So, shall we begin?
Before everything, we would like to notice that gray-eyed people - mostly live in Eastern and Northern Europe. Although: as shocking as it sounds, they can be seen in North-West Africa, just like in the Middle East (Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan).
From an astrological point of view, these individuals are influenced by Mercury. Thanks to the effect of this planet, all gray eyes are often called lucky. Good fortune helps them in career, love, and other important life aspects. When facing problems, though, they don’t hide their heads in the sand but quickly and responsibly solve the issues.
However, it would be unfair to say that men and women with gray eyes live in a parallel universe, where the sun always shines and unicorns walk around. Due to their artistic nature and skill in creating, gray-eyed people cannot avoid prostration and exhaustion. They are also too sensitive to hear about the troubles of others with a cold heart.
The natural beauty of gray eyes is usually complemented by their rich inner world. The inborn curiosity and well-rounded intellectual development - make a typical gray-eyed person the life of every party.
But is there anything else that makes girls of this eye color so attractive for the majority of men? And, once again - yes. We can give you five main advantages without a second thought.
Why do men love women with gray eyes?

Reason 1. Their modesty
Gray-eyed ladies are modest. It means the energy of such a female isn’t turned inward - rather towards those around her. This is definitely one of the reasons why she appears so attractive to potential life partners.
A humble woman with gray eyes empathizes with others, putting their interests above her own. However, we can’t say it looks like she is overprotecting them - her approach helps to achieve peace of mind and calmness but does not disturb. It must be noticed, though, that no one’s ego suffers here. The key to this general harmony surely lies in the 100% sincerity of silver eyes owners.
Of course, you might say that modesty is not really sexy. The self-centered girls are much more captivating at first glance. Their naughty communication manner and constant come-and-get-me game seduce males. So they cannot resist the temptation to see the “Taming of the Shrew“ in their own lives. Still, after the initial wave of euphoria, disillusions may follow. Put your hand on your heart and tell us you are ready to carry such intensity of emotions through the years. Exactly: with time, these relationships stop being amusing. Therefore, when you realize you want to settle down - choose a pretty gray-eyes girl. And it will be the decision you won't ever regret.
Reason 2. Their dedication
Yes, sure - a man can take the role of a breadwinner of the family. He is also able to make plans and decide on behalf of his woman. Although, it is still nice to have someone to share this responsibility with. Especially when it comes to a long-term relationship.
A gray-eyed lady would be glad to support you in all undertakings. She is forward-thinking, dedicated, and open-minded. An unclear future is not about gray eyes - she exactly knows what will lead her to success. Failure? Such a lady doesn’t consider this scenario! Even in the hardest times, she won’t give up so easily but will go through all troubles together with her special one - as a couple.
This strong-willed and committed girl motivates her partner for better results in everything. If you think it means that she simply nags him - then, you are wrong. She just shows a good example. What more could a man ask for?
Reason 3. Their self-esteem
A new day is a new fight. And having a self-confident woman next to you helps to make progress on many of the daily issues. An average lady with silver eyes accurately matches this description. Despite her modesty, she is the one who loves herself with all advantages and disadvantages. A perfect solution is never available - a gray-eyed girl is never looking for it. That is to say - you are allowed to be imperfect with her too.
Moreover: there is something extremely hot about a confident woman - the one who is happy with herself and her body. If such a female will start seducing you - there is no way you could resist her charm. In other words: an unforgettable sexual experience is guaranteed when dating a gray-eyed lady.
Reason 4. Their intelligence
Pretty girls with gray eyes know - life is more than a trendy handbag, pair of designer shoes, and a new episode of the favorite TV show. These ladies are simply brilliant: they have the knowledge and power to make their own decisions. Also, one of their biggest dreams is to make a difference - a kind of improvement in the world.
Although, we don’t mean that all gray-eyed women graduated from either Harvard or Cambridge - understand us right. At this point, we rather talk about their natural-born ability to think critically and analyze.
Be honest. When you feel insecure: isn’t it especially valuable to have someone nearby who could help to find the most effective way of solving your issue? If yes - your dream partner is definitely among females with silver eyes. Furthermore: conversations with intelligent ladies are a real turn-on!
Reason 5. Their sensuality
It’s no secret that men, for the most part, adore physical manifestations of fondness. We are talking about touches, kisses, hugs… Wait, you think so too? Then your ideal girlfriend surely has gray eyes!
She also wants to be taken by the hand, cuddled, and caressed by her beloved one. That’s how this woman strengthens the bond between herself and her partner and feels truly desired by him.
Women with gray eyes in relationships & love

As we said just a few moments ago, for those with gray eyes, sincere feelings are a natural part of life and romance. Each of them, therefore, builds relationships not upon logic and personal gain - but exclusively upon love. Only these marriages might be successful for light-eyed people.
When talking about the amour with males who have the same eye color - we need to admit that it can’t be easy. The most common reason for breakups here is blame games called “He/She loves me not.“ On the other hand, there, as a rule, is the magnetic attraction between them.
Does this union have even the slightest chance to live happily ever after? Undoubtedly - yes, but a lot of effort is needed. The gray-eyed partners need to learn how to treat each other. And, probably, give some more of their energy to career growth and improving material well-being. The same advice also addresses relationships with men with blue eyes.
What about gray-eyed women + brown-eyed men couples? In this case, experts predict a much brighter future.

Experience has shown that these two usually fall in love with each other at first sight. Their relationship then develops very quickly, and - the partner with brown eyes begins to feel addicted to his girlfriend with gray eyes pretty soon. He starts needing her like air. Still, in order to preserve their romance - they need to find a suitable approach to each other. For example, the light-eyed girl should never criticize her boyfriend since he is easy to offend. At the same time, she must be ready that such a man can’t become a strong shoulder to lean on. However, when they marry, after all, their family life almost always goes great.
For females with cold eyes, green-eyed males are really mesmerizing. In such a man, a woman with gray eyes can find a reliable and loyal partner. He will take care of his family, giving all his energy to making his wife happy. On the other hand, this man values privacy and rarely lets people around him know how he actually feels. Together with his constant desire to control his girlfriend - it all might appear a bit too much for her.
Obviously, these two just need to build trust - and their love will never end.
Find your girl with gray eyes with us

If you are not convinced that your dream girl certainly has to have gray eyes: it is not necessary to start walking the streets of your city, trying to look into the eyes of the ladies passing by. Actually, you can find your love right now without even standing up! Since you are already here at UAdates.com, why don’t you take the chance to get to know extremely gorgeous Slavic women? As an international dating service, we connect singles from different lands and cultures. So, it doesn’t matter if you are a foreigner - our ladies are open to intercultural relationships. At the same time, we focus on the desires of our members and give them all possible assistance. Our philosophy is to work from the heart in the name of true love. By the way, using our advanced search - you can, by means of a click of the mouth, get access to the profiles of thousands of gray-eyed cuties! Well, just try it!
Ukrainian women with gray eyes
Historically, Ukrainians from the Western part of the country have relatively dark skin, eyes, and hair. Among them, you can hardly find many females with gray eyes. While the appearance of ladies from the Eastern part of Ukraine belongs to the classic Slavic type. They are, therefore, for the most part, petite, fair-haired, and light-eyed.
Russian women with gray eyes
Why are blonde hair and gray eyes attractive, you ask? Even a quick glance at Russian girls is enough to understand how captivating this combination might be. We are talking about Russians who live in the central zone of this country, of course. Since, for example, the nearer to the Ural you get - the darker hair and eye color women have. Bear it in mind when searching for a gray-eyed girlfriend in Russia.
How to date with gray-eyes?

It would seem that the hardest part of every romance is to begin it anyhow. In this phase, you try to find ways of how to attract the girl of your dreams and work out the ideas of memorable dates. However, if you want to start a committed relationship with a beautiful girl with gray eyes - that’s not the case. She doesn’t hold on to someone who can’t give her what she wants. And, above all, this lady strives for harmony. It means: the most exciting things take place when you two are already in a relationship.
Still, it’s not enough to be aware of what your gray-eyed girlfriend wishes. You need to know exactly how to achieve it. Experts come to rescue you. According to them, there are five aspects that can help in this regard. Read each tip carefully since your happy future with a woman with silver eyes is in your hands.
1. Mutual respect
Gray-eyed females call mutual respect one of the fundamental conditions for any strong relationship.
If you are not ready or, indeed, don’t want to accept your woman for who she is, with all shortcomings and strong points - it’s not going to work for you and a lady with silver eyes. Therefore: as long as you sincerely believe that this cutie is your soulmate - fight the immaturity and selfishness.
2. Openness in communication
The desire to speak frankly with a partner - that is what distinguishes gray-eyed girls from the others. The same attitude each of them wants to get from her boyfriend.
In such a woman’s opinion, the ability to find common topics of conversation is essential when it comes to long-term relationships. And, what is even more important, both need to be ready to hear and listen to a loved one. Together with eye contact, it gives confidence that you matter to each other. Just like lies will not lead to anything good - so better don't pretend to be interested if you are really not.
3. Be a team
When you meet your future girlfriend for the first time, the sense of euphoria makes you behave a bit differently. You, in most cases, prefer not to show certain parts of your personality and promise to do something you, in fact, are not planning to do. But from the moment you and your woman start living together, everything becomes clear.
Of course, after a long working day, no one wants to vacuum or wash the dishes - we don’t judge you. You lady feels the same way, though.
We are trying to say that females with gray eyes see the division of responsibilities as a sign of care from their men’s sides. Remember the saying: “all for one and one for all?“ It definitely is the motto of every silver-eyed woman. Never forget it and try to become a team with yours.
4. Trust
If you can’t trust your partner, what future can you possibly have? Well, definitely not the happy one. Doubts can kill even the greatest love. That’s how the ladies with gray eyes think. And we have no right to disagree with them.
5. Sense of humor
The last crucial factor of harmonious relationships, according to gray-eyed women, is - a brilliant sense of humor. When partners not only adore each other but also can have a good laugh. By the way, it’s not about watching a funny video together. Here we mean the ability to joke about each other’s shortcomings and experienced troubles. Still: it has nothing to do with below-the-belt pranks.
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